
December 21 — I’ve been happy today at the arrival of winter, the season which always seems to eek out in front as being my favorite. I’m a rare native Floridian who far prefers cold and snow, to sun and heat—a total disgrace to my home state and family alike every summer when my frightful paleness is on display at the annual lake vacation. Every season of course has its place and purpose in the Lord’s design, each a beauty and value of its own, but I’ve come to especially appreciate certain ways the elements of winter serve us well.

These colder months, for example, spur us on to hard work and preparation in the seasons prior, then kindly enforce a slower pace and stillness we’ve long discarded and so desperately need. They heighten our awareness of ones suffering for lack of shelter and warmth, and beckon us to share of our physical and emotional comforts with another. In hibernation, creation by example initiates putting on our comfiest sweats and taking a nice, long extended nap—the best! The early approach of darkness and frigid temps are equalizers which give us cause to be together—huddled in coffee shops, homes, by a fire, snuggled down under blankets—even with all the togetherness we’ve had in these pandemic years and stints of quarantine, together is still my favorite and most desired place to be.

And snow, if you like that sort of thing as I do, not only provides moisture for the coming blooms of spring, but also endless possibilities for fun and types of outdoor recreation we could never dream of doing, for instance, without the mountains being covered beneath our skis, or the hills beneath our sleds, or ice atop of ponds and lakes. From experience, no better time is had with youth nor better memories made, than on a surprise, school-cancelling snow day, especially in the South. And just think…every snowy bank, freshly covered field, and pile ripe for the best of snowman making and snowball fights to be had, is no less the result of thousands of tiny, individual snowflakes, each unique in design, coming down one after another and committing to sticking around—a stunning reality, and most beautiful miracle. Does anything invoke more childlike wonder and pure happiness than the first sight of snowfall? Hardly. The months and elements of winter present us with moments so rarely had in our world, where expectations of “doing” are lessened and we can embrace the opportunity, or perhaps invitation, to simply “be.”

I expect there will be eyerolls at my expressed delight from some of you who live where winter is severe, even punishing, just as I roll mine when others idealize the heat and perks of summer. Even still, before the grumps of shoveling walkways, scraping windshields, and dealing with perpetual dry skin set in, remember to look around and take in the joy this season longs and boasts to offer as well. As like the rest of life, these months ahead will soon pass more quickly than we expect, and will be no more. The winter days appointed to 2021-2022, like the very snowflakes they bring, are unrepeatable. Knowing this, I invite you to join me in welcoming the story they’ve come to reveal to each of us, and to embrace, and possibly even enjoy all God intends them to be.

“There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every delight under heaven…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)